[offergroup][offer title=”Menu 1 de présentation” sku=”premier” ][article h2=”premier titre” id=”art1″ img=”http://trendemic.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/event-inspiration-690×310.jpg”]Often, internal beliefs and processes are intended to act like a speedboat but end up being nothing more than a life raft. We want to find a new path to follow. Not the one that we find safe and comfortable, but one that really challenges. If we were to disrupt our paths and process, which questions would we want to ask and how would they help?
This workshop is designed to help your business to break from the path that you have set yourselves to achieve step change growth, to be the catalyst that will give you the confidence to venture into the unknown.[extend]How does it work?
• Hidden Potential is a multi workshop process delivered over a 12/16 week period with a senior management team
• We undertake a Path Dependency Analysis of the organisation to unearth evidence of the instinctive bias of the organisation and generate vital proof of how hard it may be to instil change
• Through a workshop process we help the team break with their immediate past and apply the principles of Intelligent Naivety to generate and explore new growth opportunities
“The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind , but how to get the old ones out. Every mind is a room packed with archaic furniture. You must get rid of the old furniture of what you know, think, and believe before anything new can get in.”
Dee Hock, Founder of Visa
Want to find out more? Email us with more information about your requirements.[/extend][/article][article h2=”deuxiemetitre” id=”art58″ img=”http://trendemic.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/event-inspiration-690×310.jpg”]Often, internal beliefs and processes are intended to act like a speedboat but end up being nothing more than a life raft. We want to find a new path to follow. Not the one that we find safe and comfortable, but one that really challenges. If we were to disrupt our paths and process, which questions would we want to ask and how would they help?
This workshop is designed to help your business to break from the path that you have set yourselves to achieve step change growth, to be the catalyst that will give you the confidence to venture into the unknown.[extend]How does it work?
• Hidden Potential is a multi workshop process delivered over a 12/16 week period with a senior management team
• We undertake a Path Dependency Analysis of the organisation to unearth evidence of the instinctive bias of the organisation and generate vital proof of how hard it may be to instil change
• Through a workshop process we help the team break with their immediate past and apply the principles of Intelligent Naivety to generate and explore new growth opportunities
“The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind , but how to get the old ones out. Every mind is a room packed with archaic furniture. You must get rid of the old furniture of what you know, think, and believe before anything new can get in.”
Dee Hock, Founder of Visa
Want to find out more? Email us with more information about your requirements.[/extend][/article][/offer][offer title=”Menu 2 de présentation” sku=”deuxieme”][article h2=”deuxieme titre” id=”art2″]oiki[extend]fine dzdzedez[/extend][/article][/offer][offer title=”Menu 3″ sku=”troisieme”][article h2=”3 titre”]loool [extend]mmmmmmm[/extend][/article][/offer][/offergroup]